Laurie Hill
Happy to say Photograph Of Jesus is part of the Short Film Night Kurzfilmnacht Tour of Switzerland 2016.
This about the tour:
‘Each year the Short Film Night Tour goes around 23 Swiss cities and screens during 5 hours an array of several international and Swiss short film productions. This year’s tour started on April 1 in Zurich.’
Photograph Of Jesus was chosen to be part of the screening anniversary program 20 Years Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur.
Blurb says this about the anniversary program:
‘The International Short Film Festival Winterthur celebrate their 20th edition and present audience favourites from the festival archive. Each selected film has its own history and its individual relation to the festival.’
‘Die Internationalen Kurzfilmtage Winterthur feiern ihre 20. Ausgabe und präsentieren Publikumslieblinge aus dem Festivalarchiv. Jeder ausgewählte Film hat seine eigene Geschichte und seinen individuellen Bezug zum Festival.’