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Archive for December, 2005:
hello from far
Posted by gabriellecariolle at 16:48, December 20th, 2005this is just a way to remind you all my tiny existence.
i have just reached NID and ahmedabad and as there is a proper internet connection in my room, i am crying with joy for such a blessing.
i am fine, thank you ; my projet has been nastily attacked by fate : most of my drawing have been destroyed by a sudden flood ten days ago in the middle of the night at chennai. like you see sometimes on tv, i had to carry my luggage on my head with water up to the belly, which is quite adventurous.
today i have noticed that i might have lost at this occasion my return ticket to uk, and perhaps i should do something about it.
otherwise, being a teacher is fun. indian students are beautiful as they don’t know what unrespect and despise to the authority mean. this is very lucky for me, but quite amazing for a frenchgirl.
i might start being more precise about my projet in the next days. i might as well transfer some little compressed ugly videos, cause that’s the only thing left.
Sofa so good
Posted by ianmackinnon at 23:47, December 15th, 2005Recently I’ve been thinking I should leave the house more often. This afternoon I got cabin fever and had a good script-writing-frustration stomp around my room. I ended up slumping in the armchair that I never usually sit in, which turned out to be very useful.
Right now I’m in the process of banging out the animatic. Animatics are super-simplified cuts with a few still images representing each scene, so they looks kinda like La Jetée, or any Hungarian movie. My animatic looks boring, and I couldn’t figure out why until I sat in that chair. Then it occurred to me that I’d planned to shoot about half the film from the seat that I sit in to write the script. I now realise that the house is not my problem: I need to leave the sofa more often.
In other news, Wikipedia, that most reliable source of half-truths, claims that structuralism is “violent” and can be identified with the “excesses of colonialism, racism, misogyny, homophobia”. Yeah! My film’s gonna have something for everyone!
Posted by ianmackinnon at 20:49, December 5th, 2005Actors wanted: Obsessive-compulsive male and angry-beautiful female required for part-animated structuralist romantic comedy tragedy. Can pay expenses only. Must supply own lighting rig.
So I finished the script. There’s now a plot. It even made sense to three out of four people that read it. On Saturday I showed my script to an actual, living actor. She suggested I bypass lurking outside acting colleges and personally approach professional actors that I admire. This was a very encouraging complement, but it brought to my attention two rather unnerving thoughts: One, I’m nearing the point of having collaborators, who are most likely far more experienced than I am, and I’m going to have to tell them, “Yes, this is the film I’d like you to help me make”, and, “no, those are all the pages.”; two, I don’t watch enough TV to know of any small-screen actors I’d like to work with. However, I am very familiar with the big-screen. I made a shortlist last night and I’ve decided I’m going to offer every role in the story to Dustin Hoffman, including all extras, props and sets (interior and exterior). Nothing makes a convincing coffee table like pure Stanislavskian Method.
Production Diary
Posted by Will at 12:13, December 2nd, 2005Rather than fill the whole site with diary entries that are there whether your interested or not, I am putting my production diary in the comments section of this post. Click on the comments section to view.