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Animocity started out as a site for Royal College of Art animation students to share their films, production stories and general thoughts. Now we're all long-graduated but we keep updating (irregularly)!

We are all freelance film-makers, so if you like what you see and would like to discuss commissioning work you can contact any of us by emailing lauriehi_AT_hotmail_DOT_com. Any comments about the work or the site are also welcome at the same address. We hope you enjoy your stay.

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Photograph Of Jesus at Port Townsend Film Festival

Posted by lauriehill at 18:54, September 18th, 2019

Laurie Hill

Photograph Of Jesus is screening at Port Townsend Film Festival.

It’s paired and showing with the documentary feature Jay Myself by Director Stephen Wilkes.

20th Port Townsend Film Festival


19-22 September 2019


Sir John Lubbock’s Pet Wasp in exhibition at Morley College London

Posted by lauriehill at 18:49, September 18th, 2019

Laurie Hill

Sir John Lubbock’s Pet Wasp is screening in September and October as part of this exhibition about the Untold Tales commissions at The Cardew Space, Morley College London.

Untold Tales – a celebration of British Animation
Cardew Space
Morley College
London, UK
9 September – 19 October 2019

The blurb from the website says this:
Seven renowned animators have created a series of micro-shorts, commissioned by Animate Projects and Anim18, for the Anim18 programme – a UK-wide celebration of British animation in 2018.

The animators are Jessica Ashman, Leo Crane, Ian Gouldstone, Anushka Kishani Naanayakkara, Osbert Parker & Laurie Hill, and Kate Sullivan.

Each animator brings their distinctive voice and animation style to these bitesize treats. Across the six films pixilation, hand-drawn, digital, stop motion, charcoal, and cut-out animation techniques have been employed. The joy of the craft of animation that these films encapsulate aims to serve as inspiration for the viewer.

Working in collaboration with other creative talents and a range of subjects, the animators reflect on the collective and individual experiences of people living in the UK today. They are playful, joyful, and eye-catching gems, designed to be discovered in the viewer’s Instagram feed, that they will want to share, repost, like, and comment on.

Together the films present an exciting and vibrant collection of stories exploring cultural heritage, historic curiosities, devoted communities, and ways individuals navigate modern life: Leo Crane’s film offers a platform to an adopted child to share his fantastical and hopeful dreams; Ian Gouldstone takes inspiration from the inhabitants of the tower block he resides in; and Osbert Parker and Laurie Hill consider the curious tale of a wasp brought into Victorian society and cultured, and how her treatment reflects on contemporary life today.

More info about the event here:

An Anim18 and Animate Projects commission, supported by Lottery funds from Arts Council England, British Film Institute and British Council.

Sir John Lubbock’s Pet Wasp at QUAD in Derby

Posted by lauriehill at 2:56, January 11th, 2019

Laurie Hill

I’m happy to say that Sir John Lubbock’s Pet Wasp, the micro-short film I’ve made with the fab Osbert Parker, is screening at the QUAD in Derby as part of the Anim18 VR Gallery.

An Anim18 and Animate Projects commission, supported by Lottery funds from Arts Council England, British Film Institute and British Council.

Anim18 VR Gallery
QUAD, Derby, UK
10 November 2018 – January 2019

The blurb from the website says this:

QUAD is excited to present the Anim18 VR gallery, a newly commissioned animated experience, celebrating British Animation, supported by Film Hub Wales and Chapter (Cardiff) working with the BFI Film Audience Network.

QUAD has created a fully VR representation of the main gallery for visitors to explore 2D animated works celebrating British Animation. Working with local media production pioneers V21 Artspace to take 3D scans of our main gallery and recreate the space in a fully explorable 3D environment. The final work is available to view in the QUAD resource area from November 2018, as well as at participating venues around the country. 

The exhibition represents all four of the Anim18 key strands of Politics and Persuasion, Young at Heart, Breaking Boundaries and Connections and will display newly commissioned work through Anim18, as well as existing animations from the British animation history.

Featuring Artists: Anushka Kishani Naanayakkara, Ian Gouldstone, Jessica Ashman, Kate Sullivan, Leeds Animation Workshop, Leo Crane, Noriko Okaku, Osbert Parker, Pixelheads (National Videogame Museum), Ruth Coggins, Laurie Hill, Samantha Moore, Seeing Sound, plus the Anim18 AnimJam winner.

About Anim18

Anim18 is a UK-wide celebration of British animation, taking place from April to November 2018.  Led by Film Hub Wales and Chapter (Cardiff) working with the BFI Film Audience Network and project partners, Anim18 will showcase the best of British talent – past, present and future – through a programme of screenings, activities and events across the UK.

Anim18 has brought together a newly developed network of industry expertise, exhibition partners, and community-focused organisations to generate renewed interest in British animation, bring classic titles back into the spotlight, celebrate British talent in new releases, and unveil brand new commissions.



Photograph Of Jesus at Serendipity Arts Festival

Posted by lauriehill at 1:33, January 11th, 2019

Laurie Hill

Photograph Of Jesus screened at Serendipity Arts Festival in December 2018 as part of a special programme Still/Moving: The Folds Within Cinema and Photography curated by Dr. Sabeena Gadihoke.

Serendipity Arts Festival
Panaji, Goa, India
15-22 December 2018

The info from the website:

Still/Moving is a curated package of non-fiction films that attempts to enable a dialogue between pre-existing material and images created by the filmmaker. Deploying archival images and found footage, the films in the package wrestle with questions of erasure, silence or loss. Memory is central to almost all the films. In some, memory collides with history while in others it explores the incertitude that lies between the two. Thematic preoccupations –  about identity, race, migration, violence and displacement – run through the documentaries as each filmmaker grapples with the conundrum of image-making and truth claims. The selection includes iconic and celebrated films that have explored the dynamic relationship between still and moving images as well as others that have paid tribute to them. Looking for, and engaging with hidden, overlooked, excluded, discarded and found material, these films discover new ways of exploring the past and commenting on the present. In a moment marked by convergence, the documentaries in this package celebrate the hybrid form and the fluid boundaries between cinema and photography. As ruminations on ‘stillness’ and movement they pay homage to the photograph and its expanded role within the moving image.


Sir John Lubbock’s Pet Wasp – a micro-short film

Posted by lauriehill at 2:32, November 14th, 2018

Laurie Hill

A bit of news! I’ve just co-directed a new micro-short called Sir John Lubbock’s Pet Wasp.

It’s a collaboration with the excellent Osbert Parker.

We were very fortunate in finding a team of wonderful and talented people to help us bring it about.

The 2 minute version is here:


There’s also a 1 minute cutdown version on Instagram:


Details below:

Sir John has a problem with his pet wasp stinging him. Can he overcome its base urges through a tailored education programme and application of sweet treats? This documentary-fantasy chews over the thorny question with a delightful blend of cut out and stop frame animation styles.

Inspired by the life and writings of Sir John Lubbock (1834-1913) and the unnamed wasp.

An Anim18 and Animate Projects commission, supported by Lottery funds from Arts Council England, British Film Institute and British Council.

Directors: Laurie Hill and Osbert Parker
Producer: Abigail Addison at Animate Projects 
Co-Producer: Osbert Parker 
Animators: Laurie Hill, Osbert Parker and Ollie Griffiths
Animation Assistant: Thrishali Sumanasekera
Compositors: Laurie Hill and Michael Zauner
Editor: Julian Tranquille
Composer: Terence Dunn
Sound Designer: Rob Szeliga 

I have a few film stills too!

Radio Soulwax at Listen Festival in Belgium

Posted by lauriehill at 0:37, March 30th, 2018

Laurie Hill

A special Radio Soulwax immersive installation (probably including some of the bits I’ve contributed to) is happening at this year’s Listen Festival in Brussels.


Radio Soulwax Immersive Installation
ING Art Center, Brussels, Belgium
Saturday March 31st & Sunday April 1st
12AM – 8PM

Check out all about it here:


And as the website is keen to point out: ‘Please note that neither Stephen & David Dewaele, Soulwax or 2manydj’s will be physically performing at Listen Festival 2018.’

Photograph Of Jesus at Filmarchiv Austria in Vienna

Posted by lauriehill at 16:36, March 28th, 2018

Laurie Hill

Photograph Of Jesus screened at the Filmarchiv Austria in Vienna as part of Fotofilm (Collecting & Recycling).

METRO Kinokulturhaus
Vienna, Austria
7-17 December 2017

This blurb from the website:

7. bis 16. Dezember 2017

Fotoilme sind Filme, die im Wesentlichen aus stillstehenden Fotograien bestehen, die unsere Sehgewohnheiten hinterfragen und uns das Kino denken lassen. Sie verlangen nach aktiven, relektierenden ZuschauerInnen. Sobald das Bild im Film steht, lädt es uns zur Kontemplation ein. Wir inden Gefallen daran, am Bilderstudium des Autors/der Autorin beteiligt zu sein, an den imaginären Erweiterungen, zu denen wir inspiriert werden. Der Fotoilm öffnet Zwischenräume. Zwischen den unbewegten Bildern im Film entfalten sich »mögliche Räume« und »fruchtbare Plätze«. Fotoilme sind experimentelle Labore, die uns erlauben, das Filmische neu zu denken und einen Diskurs zum Stillbild im kinematograischen Kontext zu führen, zwischen Film, Fotograie und Medienkunst.

Fotoilme schulen unsere Perzeption, indem sie die nonlineare Wahrnehmung des Stillbildes der linearen Narration eines bewegten Textes gegenüberstellen. Sie öffnen unsere Wahrnehmungsfähigkeit, indem sie den Text mit Bild und das Bild mit Text erweitern (das nicht Fotograierbare beschreiben, das nicht Beschreibbare fotograieren). Je mehr sich ein Lichtbild bewegt, desto mehr werden wir gezwungen, es linear aufzufassen. Das Zeitdiktat der Bewegtbilder überw.ltigt unsere Sinne.

Seitdem digitale Lichtbildaufzeichnungsapparate sowohl fotograieren wie auch ilmen können, kann frei entschieden werden, ob mit demselben Gerät bewegte oder stille Bilder aufgezeichnet werden. Die Entwicklung digitaler Technologien in unseren Apparaten erlaubt uns, eine Erweiterung der Artikulationsexperimente vorzunehmen. Diese werden in der Internetkommunikation exzessiv praktiziert. Darin liegt die Zukunft der audiovisuellen Interkommunikation. Erstmals sind in Österreich Programme zum Medienhybrid Fotoilm zu sehen, zwei davon werden im METRO Kinokulturhaus uraufgeführt.

Fotoilm ist eine Kooperation mit der Kunstuniversität Linz (Bildende Kunst/ Experimentelle Gestaltung) und dem Verzió Human Rights Documentary Festival (Budapest) und wird von Gusztáv Hámos, Katja Pratschke und Thomas Tode kuratiert. Im Rahmen ihrer langjährigen Arbeit am Thema entstand unter anderem auch das Buch Viva Fotoilm! bewegt/unbewegt (Marburg 2010).



Photograph Of Jesus at Verzio International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival

Posted by lauriehill at 17:49, December 6th, 2017

Laurie Hill

Photograph Of Jesus screened at this year’s Verzio International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival in Budapest as part of the Photofilm: Sampling the Archives programme.

14th Verzio International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival
Budapest, Hungary
14-19 November 2017

Here’s the explanatory blurb on the programme from the website:

‘Photofilm: Sampling the Archives Conference and film series curated by Gusztáv Hámos, Katja Pratschke and Thomas Tode
Organised by the Concrete Narrative Society e.V.

Supported by: Stiftung Kulturwerk der VG Bild-Kunst (Bonn), Liebelt Stiftung Hamburg, AG Kurzfilm, German Films and the Goethe-Institut Budapest.

Reinterpretation work within an archive is based on the experience of memory; we can reach the origin of a fact or circumstance by means of “documents”. An encounter with the archaic is also an archaeological activity — recollection work that involves the personal unearthing of various materials at a place endowed with authority (the search for a lost time). It is concerned with the personal, subversive reinterpretation of official documents from the archeion (ancient Greek for the building in which the magistrates’ archives were stored), and questions the official writing of history. It also examines the emergence of memories that result from the programmatic processing of photographic archival material, the archaeological excavation of previously stored “impressions”, and the personal decoding of registering and reading records and documents: the communicating and processing of archives. Exactly this processing of the archives permits us to produce a connection with the filmic. The associative aspect is that films can be viewed as an archive and archives can be considered in a cinematographic context because of digital media.

Digital devices have fundamentally reshaped the “handling” of non-moving and moving images over the last decade. On the one hand, we are now able to record and play back both non-moving and moving images on our smartphone, tablet, computer, photo or video camera. On the other hand, we no longer regard the photo as an enlargement, but rather as something at hand, presented in a device. With a tablet, we are able to hold moving images that were once un-touchable. Our relationship with moving and non-moving images is thus being essentially altered by mobile recording and playback technologies that allow us to immediately observe, process, and forward or broadcast the recorded materials. The merger of image-producing devices, which calls for a conscious decision whether to shoot photos or film, is evidently having a clear impact on today’s artistic work.

The program consists of three blocks of short films, a conference, and additional screenings of feature-length films. Filmmakers, media artists and theorists will discuss the exciting new developments in audio-visual media, specifically, the fusion of the image-creating apparatuses, tablets, smartphones and internet cross-media which demands a conscious decision on whether to use photo or film, and the influence this has on how artists work today.’


Laurie Hill animates 2ManyDjs visuals

Posted by lauriehill at 17:46, December 6th, 2017

Laurie Hill

The summer festival season 2017 and more 2ManyDjs Under The Covers shows – June and August sees lots of beautiful live visuals!

Photograph Of Jesus at Cologne City Library

Posted by lauriehill at 17:45, December 6th, 2017

Laurie Hill

Photograph Of Jesus screened at the city library in a special programme put together by the folks from the Short Film Festival Cologne – KFFK: Frames & Letters.

Stadtbibliothek Köln
Cologne, Germany
19 May 2017

The blurb:

‘Manche Filme kann man lesen, manche Texte sind so nah am filmischen Realismus, dass die Bilder nur so vor den Augen vorbeiziehen. Sowohl Literatur als auch Film erschaffen ein Abbild unserer Welt, das wir zu konservieren versuchen. Wir zeigen Euch eine besondere Kurzfilmnacht an einem Ort, an dem gesammelt, archiviert und daraus Neues geschaffen wird: Die Stadtbibliothek Köln. Und wir zeigen Euch, was passiert, wenn sich beide Erzählformen zusammentun. Eva Marianne Kraiss liest dazu Texte aus der Weltliteratur.

Das Programm wird in der vierten Etage (Medienetage) der Stadtbibliothek Köln gezeigt. Der Eintritt ist frei.’

(And Google-translated)

‘Some films can be read, some lyrics are so close to the cinematic realism, that the pictures just pass in front of the eyes. Both literature and film create an image of our world that we seek to conserve. We will show you a special short film night in a place where collecting, archiving and creating something new out of it: The Cologne City Library. And we’ll show you what happens when both narrative forms come together. Eva Marianne Kraiss reads texts from world literature.

The program will be shown on the fourth floor (Medienetage) of the Stadtbibliothek Köln. Admission is free.’


Photograph Of Jesus at Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive

Posted by lauriehill at 17:41, December 6th, 2017

Laurie Hill

I was very very chuffed to have Photograph Of Jesus screened in this special programme by Gary Meyer.

It was held (and sold out!) at the UC Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive, as part of the Cinema Mon Amour series.

Gary Meyer Selects: Trailers and Short Films
17 August, 2016

Here’s the description from the BAMPFA website:

‘Join us for a tour through my life of going to the movies. The selection ranges from George Méliès to Gunvor Nelson, Norman McLaren to Stan Brakhage, Alfred Hitchcock to Mel Brooks, and much more in a program of classic and contemporary short films guaranteed to be hilarious, experimental, thought-provoking, animated, outrageous, and inspiring. Many are about the experience of cinema itself. There will also be rarely seen trailers that defy our expectations of what we expect from “previews of coming attractions.” An evening of surprises! —Gary Meyer’


In this article, Gary explains a bit about his thoughts behind programming the show:




‘The UC Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive is the visual arts center of the University of California, Berkeley, the nation’s leading public research university. Our mission is to inspire the imagination and ignite critical dialogue through art and film, engaging audiences from the UC Berkeley campus, the Bay Area, and beyond. Each year BAMPFA presents more than twenty art exhibitions, 450 film programs, and dozens of performances, as well as lectures, symposia, and tours.’ 

More 2ManyDjs live visuals

Posted by lauriehill at 17:35, December 6th, 2017

Laurie Hill

OK transmission resumed and a bit of catching up to do!

Summer 2016 came and went and more 2ManyDjs live visuals!

Laurie Hill behind the scenes on Vigorsol Air Action Xtreme Mission

Posted by lauriehill at 23:22, May 18th, 2016

Laurie Hill

And how about this for quality content? An exciting production still from my recent Vigorsol Air Action Xtreme Mission film!

Photograph Of Jesus on Kurzfilmnacht Tour in Switzerland

Posted by lauriehill at 23:18, May 18th, 2016

Laurie Hill

Happy to say Photograph Of Jesus is part of the Short Film Night Kurzfilmnacht Tour of Switzerland 2016.

This about the tour:

‘Each year the Short Film Night Tour goes around 23 Swiss cities and screens during 5 hours an array of several international and Swiss short film productions. This year’s tour started on April 1 in Zurich.’ 

Photograph Of Jesus
was chosen to be part of the screening anniversary program 20 Years Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur. 

Blurb says this about the anniversary program:

‘The International Short Film Festival Winterthur celebrate their 20th edition and present audience favourites from the festival archive. Each selected film has its own history and its individual relation to the festival.’

‘Die Internationalen Kurzfilmtage Winterthur feiern ihre 20. Ausgabe und präsentieren Publikumslieblinge aus dem Festivalarchiv. Jeder ausgewählte Film hat seine eigene Geschichte und seinen individuellen Bezug zum Festival.’


Photograph Of Jesus at Filmfest Dresden

Posted by lauriehill at 23:16, May 18th, 2016

Laurie Hill

Photograph Of Jesus screened at this year’s Filmfest Dresden as part of the animated programme.

28th Filmfest Dresden, Germany
12 – 17 April, 2016


Laurie Hill animates 2ManyDjs at Coachella

Posted by lauriehill at 23:11, May 18th, 2016

Laurie Hill

April 2016 saw 2ManyDjs play Coachella Festival and visuals time again!


Laurie Hill animates for SBTRKT’s Save Yourself project

Posted by lauriehill at 23:10, May 18th, 2016


Laurie Hill

Also at the end of March I worked, again with the excellent Mike Zauner, on an animated promo video / trailer / short for SBTRKT‘s latest release SAVE YOURSELF.




Laurie Hill and Anya Hindmarch

Posted by lauriehill at 23:04, May 18th, 2016


Laurie Hill

Rewinding to March 2016, I worked on a nice video, a seasonal film for fashion brand Anya Hindmarch. Myself and Mike Zauner worked with Director Bouha Kazmi on this one.


Laurie Hill and Arthur Baker live visuals

Posted by lauriehill at 23:04, May 18th, 2016


Laurie Hill

Another fun project to mention going back a few months that for various reasons I couldn’t talk about at the time.

I helped the fab Lewis Kyle White with some character animation and other bits on live visuals for (legendary producer!) Arthur Baker‘s Slam Dunk’d live shows – especially enjoyed putting together the New Order Confusion visual – I’ve loved New Order for such a long time! Very Happy :)

Laurie Hill directs Vigorsol Air Action Xtreme Mission

Posted by lauriehill at 23:34, October 10th, 2015

Laurie Hill

Here’s some news!

I’ve directed a tasty animated project with Annex Films. It’s an online film for Vigorsol Air Action Xtreme gum, BBH the agency behind it.

This was a little while gestating but it finally got the go ahead and we dived in, plunged into a world of lemmings and snow.

It’s a collage-style project using manipulated photographic and footage source material from a variety of places. As such it required some heavy-duty picture research from the outset and there were some interesting challenges along the way!

I gotta say, I was working with a very very wonderful, creative and crazily talented animation team for this. Thank you Bill Porter and thank you Michael Zauner. You’re both amazing! Animation was by the three of us.

Here’s a link to my Director’s cut.

Here’s a link to the Italian language version.

Blurb on the Annex website about the project.

I’ll pop a few stills in too. Here we go:

Photograph Of Jesus at Big Cartoon Festival

Posted by lauriehill at 23:26, October 10th, 2015

Laurie Hill

Photograph Of Jesus is to screen at the 9th Big Cartoon Festival, Moscow, Russia.

30 Oct – 8 November, 2015


2ManyDjs Under The Covers show visuals

Posted by lauriehill at 23:22, October 10th, 2015


Laurie Hill

Summer and 2ManyDjs played another of their Under The Covers shows at this year’s Pukkelpop Festival in Belgium. Of course more splendid animated collage visuals were required and I was happy to do my bit!

Photograph Of Jesus at Flatpack Collage Party

Posted by lauriehill at 22:06, June 14th, 2015

Laurie Hill

Photograph Of Jesus screened at the Flatpack Collage Party, a multidisciplinary thingumy and part of the Flatpack Film Festival, Birmingham UK.

19-29 March 2015


Photograph Of Jesus at Glasgow Short Film Symposium

Posted by lauriehill at 22:02, June 14th, 2015

Laurie Hill

March 2015 and Photograph Of Jesus featured in the Glasgow Short Film Symposium Short Film (and) Criticism, part of the Glasgow Short Film Festival.

The blurb says:
The 2015 symposium is devoted to film criticism in the context of short film: critical writing on short film, short film curation as a form of criticism, and short filmmaking as criticism.


Photograph Of Jesus returns to Tampere Film Festival

Posted by lauriehill at 21:36, June 14th, 2015

Laurie Hill

Photograph Of Jesus screened in a Uusi Kino 20 years special programme at 45th Tampere International Short Film Festival, Finland.

It previously won Best Animation in the International Competition at the festival.

March 4-8, 2015


Laurie Hill gets animated for lode2Manydjs

Posted by lauriehill at 21:34, June 14th, 2015

Laurie Hill

At the end of last year I once again cooked up some spicy audiovisual treats for the 2manydjs Under The Covers live spectacular and festive bash, this year held in Spain.

19 & 20 December 2014
Razzamatazz, Barcelona


Sleep Like A Baby Tonight animated film for U2′s Films Of Innocence project

Posted by lauriehill at 21:25, June 14th, 2015

Laurie Hill

Back in September I helped out the wonderful and talented Michael Zauner in making the Sleep Like A Baby Tonight animated film for U2′s Films Of Innocence project.

The film was a response by street artist ROA to the music, was directed by Wim Reygaert with animation direction by Mike.

Head over to iTunes to check it out.

Wolfgang Gartner – Unholy lyric video

Posted by lauriehill at 21:13, June 14th, 2015

Laurie Hill

Autumn time 2014 and I squeezed in a quick animated lyric video for this track by Wolfgang Gartner, working with Lauren Hutchinson (Art Direction) and Nova Dando.

Wolfgang Gartner – Unholy feat. Bobby Saint


Photograph Of Jesus at Solarkino

Posted by lauriehill at 20:55, June 14th, 2015

Laurie Hill

Time for a few updates …

Photograph Of Jesus screened at Solarkino St Gallen, Switzerland, on 28 August 2014 as part of a programme from Internationalen Kurzfilmtage Winterthur.

Some blurb from a previous Solarkino event says:
‘Solarkino, an open air cinema event which shows a series of films and whose technology for projection is generated solely by solar energy.’

21-23 August & 28-30 August, 2014


Laurie Hill co-directs As Heard On Radio Soulwax Pt. 2

Posted by lauriehill at 1:59, May 15th, 2014

Laurie Hill

So at long last it’s out … As Heard On Radio Soulwax Pt. 2 is the final (or is it? – who knows?!), hour-long instalment of the mammoth Radio Soulwax project.

It was a long time in the making and a big effort by a lot of people! I have a co-directing credit.

Tune in for all your audiovisual mashup thrills and spills at:

Vimeo too:

Laurie Hill animates Klaxons ‘Love Frequency’ remix by Tom Rowlands for 2ManyDjs

Posted by lauriehill at 1:52, May 15th, 2014

Laurie Hill

Did this wee animation that started out as a 2ManyDjs live concert visual for the Klaxons ‘Love Frequency’ remix by Tom Rowlands (Chemical Brothers), out on Phantasy Sound. A collaborative effort, co-directed with Lewis Kyle White. Acieeeed!

Check it out on Vimeo:

Blurb says:

Fresh from 2ManyDJ’s recent “Under The Covers” live shows, here’s our new animation for the Tom Rowlands remix of the title track to the new Klaxons album, currently available on Phantasy Sound.

The album itself, Love Frequency is released on July 16th and is available to preorder now at Klaxons.net or at iTunes here goo.gl/P83V2S

McBusted tour visuals

Posted by lauriehill at 1:48, May 15th, 2014

Laurie Hill

Hey – thought I’d mention that I recently did some nice concert visuals for the current 34-date McBusted tour!


Photograph Of Jesus at Werkleitz Festival 2014 Doppelgänger

Posted by lauriehill at 1:45, May 15th, 2014

Laurie Hill

Photograph Of Jesus screened at the Werkleitz Festival 2014 Doppelgänger in Halle (Saale), Germany

April 25 – May 4


Laurie Hill has fun with Play-Doh

Posted by lauriehill at 1:43, May 15th, 2014

Laurie Hill

I helped out my friend Nuno Costa with a few bits and bobs for his recent Play-Doh commercial. Nice to be back at Clapham Road Studios again …

Laurie Hill interview on //Projection//

Posted by lauriehill at 1:37, May 15th, 2014

Laurie Hill

Right! Catch up time again!

New interview on //Projection// right here:


Thanks to Miriam Lee.